Friday, June 11, 2010

WORLD CUP! Feel it, it is here.

I cannot beleive, that after the hundreds of days we have been counting down, that at 8PM local time, 7PM London Time, the world cup FINALLY starts!
South africa was humming yesterday as thousands of planes arrived filled to the brim with revaling fans.People lines the streets blowing Vuvuzelas, a local trumpet used at all matches.
The World cup kicked off with a great live concert held last night in Johannesburg with many international stars such as Alecia Keys, Black Eyed Peas (who were dismal) as well as local South African bands that showed their own world class standards. See these sites for more information on the RSA bands.
For more information on the parties and activities in Cape Town, you can visit the following site: FIFA FAN PARKS CAPE TWON

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

10th May is Inauguration Day.

We recently celebrated Freedom Day in South Africa, but yesterday was just as much a remembrance of a historical turning point in the history of our country, as it marked the day that former President, Nelson Mandela was inaugurated. With crowds gathering to more than 100,000 people, Mr. Mandela delivered his moving speech from the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Below are some exerts of this famous speech;

“Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud”.

“The time for the healing of the wounds has come.
The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come.
The time to build is upon us”.

Nelson Mandela is the true hero of our country.

For the full written inaugural speech click here!
For the YouTube link Click here.

Friday, May 7, 2010

One & Only Hotel Cape Town Cocktail Party.

Wedgewood South Africa was invited for cocktails and canapés to the luxurious One & Only Hotel last week to meet the new chief sales and marketing manager, Wilna Beukes. The One & Only is situated in the heart of Cape Town’s trendy Waterfront area, and surrounded by an exclusive Marina offering both mountain and harbour views. The location was the perfect setting for a warm autumn evening. Taste buds were tantalized by a dazzling array of canapés provided from the hotels restaurants, Nobu and Maze. Thank you Laura, Caren and Wilna for a very enjoyable evening!
Photo Above left to right: Christina of Wedgewood South Africa, Michelle from Time, Laura Bravetti of One & Only, Rolf from Wedgewood South Africa

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cape Town Life- Friday after work…

While the weather is still good and autumn tries to creep closer in the southern hemisphere, Capetonians still carry on with the tradition of drinks by the beach after work.
For those who are lucky and have managed to start the weekend early, they get the prime tables at the many up market cocktail bars situated along the favourite beach boulevards.
The area of Camps Bay has to be the prime location for this. The long white soft sandy beach, with blue Atlantic waters is flanked by some of the best and trendiest bars and restaurants in Cape Town.

The crowd is mixed between fashionable youngsters and businessmen carrying on negotiations with clients they have invited for a Sauvignon and lavish platter of prawns. After drinks, those with time will dine at Paranga, The Cove, Bungalow, Blues and plenty of other top restaurants.
So much choice, too little time.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Changing Zimbabwe, The Victoria Falls.

Over the last decade, Zimbabwe has been passed by as an Incentive destination due to its political views. Some of my first incentives with international clients took place up at the Victoria Falls more than 10 years ago. This magical place will always hold fond memories. The irony is that some of the best hotels for incentives and large conference groups were sadly put to one side for all these years, however, things are starting to change.
Wedgewood has continued to host top class incentives at the Victoria Falls, but this has taken place on the Zambian side of the Falls, in some of the most luxurious and well appointed properties such as the Royal Livingstone Hotel, Zambia

On a recent trip to the area, I took time off to re-explore the Zimbabwean side of the Victoria Falls. The first thing that struck my mind was that it was far busier than expected. I noted that there was a mix of both small group travel and FIT’s from a mixed background of markets such as UK, USA, Asian, and East European.
Rates are very good as some hotels can be on average 40% cheaper than in Zambia, and this goes for food and drink too.
I was fortunate enough to spend a few nights at the Victoria Falls Hotel, the real Grande Dame of the hotels at Victoria Falls. This 5 star hotel was built during the colonial period and was meant for the true purpose of rest and relaxation on a large scale. Perfectly located next to the old Victorian station where one can arrive on the Famous Rovos Rail from Pretoria South Africa, then with sweeping views over rolling perfectly manicured lawns down to the gorge with the mighty Zambezi River.

As far as location goes, the more sort after hotels, are closely situated to the small town of Victoria Falls, and is within easy walk. The town has some interesting stores and curio markets to keep one busy. When one sticks to the main roads, it is safe to walk around.
Beyond this, there is so much that one can do in the area and the tourism infrastructure has not only been well maintained, but even in the difficult 10 years that local companies have gone through, they have pulled through and expended on local product.
One can enjoy lazy trips on river boats, watching the sun set over the Zambezi River with cocktails and canapés, breathtaking helicopter trips over the falls, while spotting elephants and hippos at the same time. To step up the pace, one can enjoy an elephant back safari, or simply interact with these graceful creatures. Wild Life Safari drives can be done in the nearby state park. Those who are fearless may think of taking the plunge over the gorge on a bungee rope!

For more information, contact us at