Friday, April 30, 2010

Cape Town Life- Friday after work…

While the weather is still good and autumn tries to creep closer in the southern hemisphere, Capetonians still carry on with the tradition of drinks by the beach after work.
For those who are lucky and have managed to start the weekend early, they get the prime tables at the many up market cocktail bars situated along the favourite beach boulevards.
The area of Camps Bay has to be the prime location for this. The long white soft sandy beach, with blue Atlantic waters is flanked by some of the best and trendiest bars and restaurants in Cape Town.

The crowd is mixed between fashionable youngsters and businessmen carrying on negotiations with clients they have invited for a Sauvignon and lavish platter of prawns. After drinks, those with time will dine at Paranga, The Cove, Bungalow, Blues and plenty of other top restaurants.
So much choice, too little time.

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