Friday, April 16, 2010

Fifa Ticket systems bomb out!

The much awaited “over the counter” Fifa 2010 ticket sales left thousands of South Africans furious as systems crashed all over the country. Many people had been queuing for 8 hours or more to stand the chance of purchasing category tickets with entry prices of ZAR140.00 per ticket, or the equivalent of US$20.
It was reported that one father and his sons who had camped out the night before, and were only 14th in the queue were not able to get any of the affordable tickets promised to SA Citizens by the time they arrived at the counter.
By Thursday afternoon tensions had mounted as queues were not moving and communication as to the failure of software systems by Fifa were nonexistent that in some areas police had to be called in to manage crowds that were on the verge of rioting.
Fifa apologized this Friday morning and said they were doing their best to get systems up and running again.
It was reported on the radio this morning however that 100% of all tickets have now been sold for matches in Cape Town.

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